Re-Defining Success. Measurable.

Introducing the Good Time Ratio (GTR) - The New Standard for Measuring Success

Pioneering the Future of Life Design.

Introducing the Good Time Ratio (GTR) as the Future Foundation for Global Well-Being and Economic Success

Understanding what truly makes life fulfilling has driven our research. The Good Time Ratio (GTR) metric now allows us to measure this. Based on a groundbreaking approach, GTR measures the proportion of perceived Good Times throughout an individual’s life and of collectives and provides insights into the factors that influence them.

Our primary goal is to develop and validate the GTR metric’s ability to reflect individual well-being across diverse social and cultural settings accurately. By achieving this, we can pave the way for more meaningful personal and collective growth, surpassing traditional measures of success like financial wealth, GDP, or revenue and instead defining success as high and lasting satisfaction.

Why is the Good Time Ratio metric so significant for

Without a metric like GTR built around the primary goal, individuals and collectives lack direction and fail to measure their progress. This leads to misguided efforts and wasted resources, potentially resulting in the opposite outcome. GTR offers a unified, measurable goal that ensures actions truly enhance well-being and drive meaningful progress.

Aligning Emotions and Logic

What we feel and think can sometimes conflict. Balancing heart and mind, the GTR aligns emotional desires with rational insights, reducing internal conflicts. This harmony simplifies decisions for a life with maximum and long-lasting satisfaction.

Prevent Overwhelm

Day-to-day life can often feel overwhelming when problems arise, and it's easy to let one bad aspect color everything else. The GTR's approach of isolating specific issues helps individuals maintain perspective and manage stress more effectively, ensuring minor setbacks don’t lead to disproportionate reactions.

Making Decisions with Clarity and Confidence

Daily life is full of decisions often made with uncertainty and conflicting advice. The GTR cuts through this noise by providing a precise measure of what actually enhances personal satisfaction. Eliminating the stress of guesswork, GTR empowers individuals to make confident choices that genuinely improve their lives based on data rather than speculation or societal pressure.

Personalized Path to Fulfillment

Everyone's journey toward fulfillment is unique and shaped by individual preferences and life circumstances. The GTR provides tailored insights that adapt to each person’s specific needs, ensuring that actions and decisions consistently align with one’s true aspirations and values. This supports individuals in following their unique paths rather than those set by others for them.

Structuring Achievable Goals

The challenge of setting and reaching goals is often due to vague or overwhelming objectives. The GTR helps individuals break down their ambitions into clear, manageable steps and facilitates progress tracking. This structured approach keeps motivation high and aligns daily efforts with long-term success.

Building growing Communities and Relationships

Our interactions with others significantly shape our behavior and personal growth. The GTR helps analyze how our relationships and community involvement affect our well-being. With these insights, individuals can better manage their social connections and relationships, improving mutual development.

Accurate KPI for Business Health

Revenue is traditionally seen as the primary success metric, but it's a one-way indicator that doesn’t necessarily reflect a company's underlying health. The impact of GTR as a primary metric offers a more comprehensive view by directly correlating customer and employee satisfaction—critical drivers of sustainable business growth that affect all other KPIs, including revenue.

Making Marketing outdated

Implementing the GTR principles in external communication makes traditional marketing tactics obsolete. It transforms promotions into content that consumers actively seek out, enjoy and recommend. This shift increases customer loyalty and significantly reduces marketing costs, as naturally engaging content generates interest without explicit advertising.

Driving Product Innovation

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” - Henry Ford
GTR fuels innovative product development by addressing consumers' root needs rather than just building around existing approaches. It allows thinking outside the box and highlights a creative and proactive approach to product development, crucial for businesses looking to differentiate themselves in competitive markets.

Market Insights for targeted Operations

GTR improves market intelligence and enables organizations to identify unmet needs and saturated markets effectively. This insight allows companies to optimize their strategies by targeting areas with satisfaction gaps and avoiding saturated markets requiring high effort, addressing demand, and optimizing efforts where they are most needed.

Boosting Employee Engagement, Productivity, and Loyalty

An increasing number of employees feel their work lacks meaning, particularly impacting younger generations and leading to high turnover rates. By orienting on (and communicating) GTR as a success metric, companies align work with meaningful contributions to customer well-being. This alignment increases employee loyalty and boosts productivity, as employees see the direct impact of their work in improving others' lives.

Advancing Recruitment with Precision Matching

GTR provides deep insights into applicants' satisfaction levels, enabling HR to match candidates whose dissatisfaction gaps can be addressed explicitly by the company's offerings. This precise matching ensures a motivated workforce that resonates deeply with the company's culture and goals, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover.

Tailored Incentivization and Resource Management

Companies offer a variety of incentives to motivate employees, each promising to boost satisfaction. With GTR's insights, organizations can tailor these incentives effectively to ensure they resonate personally with each employee. This personalization shifts the perception of work from a mere obligation to a meaningful opportunity, enhancing productivity, loyalty, and morale while significantly reducing unnecessary expenses.

Visionary Leadership

History shows that people unite around a shared purpose. With the GTR, politicians can follow in the footsteps of iconic leaders by presenting tangible visions of Maximized Good Times (MGT) that resonate with their people's culture—sustainably and without the need for crises. This governance approach builds trust and credibility and unites communities around the broader purpose of sustainable high well-being.

Enhanced Policy Effectiveness

A government's primary responsibility is to support and enhance citizens' quality of life, requiring metrics to navigate its operations. Yet, metrics such as GDP only indirectly assess what is assumed to be well-being indicators, not necessarily reflecting a governed region’s underlying health. GTR directly measures what eventually matters, offering a comprehensive view of critical drivers for sustainable collective development.

Resource Allocation Efficiency

Efficient use of resources is critical for government effectiveness. The GTR provides data-driven insights that help ensure resources are directed to where they can make the most significant impact on life satisfaction, optimizing governmental expenditures.

Crisis Response and Adaptation

In times of crises, governments with an established GTR metric gain real-time insights into communities' primary needs. This access increases response speed and effectiveness, helps maintain public trust, and strengthens resilience.

Global Impact: GTR and SDGs

At their core, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are subgoals of Maximizing Good Times (MGT) globally. The GTR measures progress towards this overarching goal, offering a critical framework for evaluating and enhancing the effectiveness of SDG initiatives. By providing detailed, real-time data on well-being and development, the GTR enables precise targeting and effective adjustment of efforts to achieve these global goals.

Political Stability and Accountability

Governments enjoy sustained political stability when populations know their needs are heard and effectively addressed. Using the GTR metric ensures citizens know they are listened to, while leaders gain continuous, real-time insights, staying consistently attuned to public sentiment. This approach enables strategic building and maintaining of public trust, enhances accountability, and provides a significant edge in securing reelection and sustaining effective governance.

Strengthened Social Bonding

Social bonding strengthens social cohesion. The GTR fosters this by ensuring that individuals feel supported in personally meaningful ways, which in turn motivates them to give back meaningful support to those from whom they've received help and those who still need it. This cycle of support and appreciation promotes social harmony, strengthens connections, and fosters loyalty in an environment where everyone feels valued and connected.

Achieving Effective Integration

Integration is crucial for a thriving society, but not always easy to achieve. The GTR's ability to measure life satisfaction across different cultures uncovers unique needs while identifying common denominators. This approach enables the development of policies that realistically balance individual preferences with collective demands, ensuring that all community members feel they are in the right place to thrive.

Detailed Insights into Communal Levels

The GTR provides detailed insights into community needs at all levels, from national to neighborhoods, enabling precisely targeted interventions. This data-driven approach tracks trends, facilitates the adoption of best practices, and prevents potential problems from escalating, ensuring effective governance throughout.

International Benchmarking and Cooperation

The GTR enables international benchmarking by providing a consistent framework for comparing satisfaction metrics across countries, allowing rankings based on their attractiveness for local living, tourism, and investment. This approach drives healthy competition for meaningful development while promoting global collaboration and shared learning.

GTR Explained.
Simple, Smart, Satisfying.

The Basics

At its core, the Good Time Ratio measures the proportion of the time individuals find fulfilling versus the time they find unsatisfactory in their lives.

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Measuring Good Times

Rather than just measuring ‘Happiness,’ the GTR metric captures a wide range of human emotions. To get accurate insights, the metric categorizes those emotions into states that can be distinguishably felt and measured energetically in their strength - from those that attract and uplift (Good Times) to those that lack this attraction or even cause resistance and pull down.

Capturing the Full Picture

Just like a picture on a jigsaw puzzle, the total GTR number is made up of small pieces. GTR gauges the satisfaction of each element (puzzle piece) in someone’s life and builds them into a frame of life areas that are relevant across cultures and ages. This ensures the picture is complete and accurate and gives us insights for practical responses.

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Seeing Collective Patterns

Knowing the GTR of multiple people allows us to calculate the average of groups such as population, employees or customers. The results linked to the demographic data show trends for specific groups with detailed insights into areas for improvement. At the same time, it allows us to identify the influencing factors of each group and see their impact on their GTR.

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Validating GTR.
Diverse Data,
Robust Result.

Global Data Collection

We gather extensive data from diverse cultural backgrounds to ensure the GTR metric is universally applicable. By collecting data globally, we capture the full spectrum of human experiences and satisfaction levels, providing a comprehensive foundation for our research.

Quantitative Surveys

Our surveys are meticulously designed to capture detailed emotional experiences. They are conducted through both the participant’s self-assessment and together with our research assistants. This quantitative approach ensures robust and reliable data and gives us a thorough understanding of what contributes to life satisfaction.

Qualitative Interviews

In addition to self-assessment, we conduct in-depth interviews with participants that help us test the accuracy, refine our findings, and validate our data. These qualitative insights complement our quantitative data, ensuring a holistic understanding of life satisfaction and the factors that influence it.

Diverse Testing Groups

We involve various demographics to ensure the GTR metric is accurate and relevant across different populations. From multinational metropolis citizens to remote farmers, corporate employees to entrepreneurs, third-generation locals to global nomads, and children to wise elders. This diversity guarantees that our metric is inclusive and universally applicable, reflecting the broad range of human experiences.


We offer incentives to encourage participation and ensure a wide input range. While for many people, the insights they can gain through the assessment are already beneficial enough, for others, we give incentives that resonate more with their current needs. This approach ensures that our research is comprehensive and representative, capturing the voices of individuals from all walks of life.

To validate the function of the metric, our research methodology combines global data collection, quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, and diverse testing groups to ensure the GTR metric is universally applicable. To attract a diverse range of participants, we offer incentives alongside the personal benefits gained from participation. This approach gathers comprehensive and representative data, capturing the full spectrum of human experiences. This holistic method ensures our findings are robust, reliable, and relevant across different populations.

Shared Vision. Shared Mission.
Partnering for Global Life Enhancement.

Partnerships and Sponsorships for Co-Impacting and Brand Alignment

Engage Diverse Perspectives

Engaging diverse perspectives involves collaborating with experts across various fields such as sociology, psychology, economics, medicine, and more. This approach ensures that the GTR metric is comprehensive, reflecting the multifaceted nature of human satisfaction, creating a robust and universally applicable metric.

Collect Broad Data

Partnerships play a crucial role in helping us collect broad data. By collaborating with diverse organizations, we gain access to various environments and populations. Partners can facilitate data collection by providing resources and access to their networks, enhancing the quality and scope of our research.

Manage Logistics

The research logistics encompass travel, accommodations, venue arrangements for data collection and interviews, data storage and interpretation, and more. It also includes ensuring all necessary equipment and materials are available and functioning. Effective logistical management allows our team to focus on conducting high-quality research without logistical distractions. Partners can support us by providing access to their infrastructure, facilitating smoother operations and enhancing our research capabilities.

Encourage Diverse Participation

Partnerships and sponsorships are essential to gather a wide range of input from diverse participants. For instance, leveraging companies’ customer or employee bases helps us get access to diverse groups. At the same time, financial support allows us to offer compensation to those for whom it resonates most as an incentive. This ensures our research is comprehensive and representative, capturing voices from all walks of life.

Attract a Strong Professional Team

Attracting and retaining a strong professional team is crucial for developing the GTR metric. This includes experts in data collection, software development, logistics, promotions, and data interpretation. These professionals are often engaged in other high-profile projects and require competitive compensation to fully commit to our research. By providing financial support, we ensure these skilled individuals can focus on delivering high-quality work and ensuring the project's success.

Shanghai University

The GTR metric serves us as a collective and is fundamentally a sociological endeavor. In the heart of one of the most populated cities in the world and nationally ranked as the best in its discipline, the School of Sociology at Shanghai University provides the ideal academic environment for this research. The development of the GTR metric is embedded in a Ph.D. program supported by a distinguished committee of sociological experts that ensures it meets rigorous academic standards. This collaboration guarantees that our approach is both highly impactful and scientifically based on solid ground.

Developing the Good Time Ratio (GTR) metric is a monumental task that requires diverse perspectives and extensive resources. For this, we invite organizations that share our mission to collaborate with us and Shanghai University in developing this groundbreaking metric by becoming partners and sponsors. These partnerships enable us to engage diverse perspectives across various disciplines, collect broad data in different environments, manage the logistics of research operations, encourage diverse participation, and attract a strong professional team.

Beyond Today.
Tomorrow's Promise with GTR.

As we refine and expand the GTR metric, imagine a world where life satisfaction becomes the ultimate measure of success. Individuals will have a precise, quantifiable tool to guide their actions and decisions toward enhancing well-being.

Governments and companies use these insights to support individuals in establishing factors that increase their GTR. Once organizations understand the leverage of growing their stakeholders’ GTR on traditional success metrics, they will be incentivized to focus solely on actions that sustainably enhance it —during promotion, consumption, and beyond.

When the metric is set as a new global standard, the inevitable outcome will be a cutting-edge GTR for everyone. This will drive meaningful progress and create a future where true fulfillment is within everyone’s reach. Together, we can redefine success and pave the way for a more satisfied and genuinely fortunate society.

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